Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time flies.

This is being written in Brugge. Early on Sunday morning.

One has to cast one's mind back  - all the way to last Tuesday.

We thought it might be a good idea to go over to King's Cross / St Pancras station to check out where we would be getting the Eurostar to Brussels at sparrows-fart on Thursday. It was reassuring. The building is a terrific mix of the old and very modern.

I thought we might head into the "City" of London and have a look at the laneways around the old town and the "Inns of court" legal area. We got a bit off course and never really got back on it. We had a look at the Monument that was built to commemorate the "Great Fire of London" and then just wandered.

After lunch we wound up in Hamley's toy shop.It is something of an institution - they claim to have been selling toys since about 1760. It was scary.

The British National Gallery was a welcome change - but foolishly we arrived only an hour before closing and there was a sort of rush to see all the fabulous things we wanted to see. It was very silly and we wound up starting the day there on Wednesday morning when it was a lot less crowded and we were relaxed. Truly wonderful.

We visited Covent Garden for lunch on Wednesday. It is very touristy, and well worth a visit. There are markets and restaurants and lots of specialty shops. There are also buskers. Very good buskers. We saw an excellent string quintet, lead by a man with a really big operatic voice ,who was picking on folk eating at a cafe singing "Give me your money" to the tune of O sole mio. The whole group crowded around this poor women. She just had to buy one of their CDs.

After we stopped laughing, we walked over to the British Museum and stayed until they shooed us out at 5:30.

On our last night in London, we just had to have a feed of fish and chips. So we did.

Speaking of food -I'm off to breakfast.

I will catch up, soon.

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