Sunday, May 29, 2011


Munich is a really good city if you like walking - fairly compact and very interesting.

As usual, we got hold of a city map and decided which of the tourist office's highlights we wanted to see. The thing that really impressed us was just the quality of the buildings. At street (shop) level things look pretty ordinary, but when you look up you see all sorts of wonderful decoration on so many buildings that you have to wonder when and why we stopped making our buildings decorative and went down the road of the 'functional'.

I spotted this little boat on the roof of a building in the main shopping street.

One really unique attraction that we found was in the "English Gardens" - surfers. No, really.

The river here is confined to a narrow channel. There are some block on the bottom that create this permanent 'standing wave'. The surfers are all very well-mannered and take turns - one from each bank of the river - then they only stay on a few minutes before handing over to the next person.

One of the best things we came across was the beer garden in the Victual markt. It was a really friendly, happy place full of people full of beer and food. There are real people wearing the traditional Bavarian costume - not for the tourists, just for themselves.

I picked up some sort of bug / allergy which I still have not shaken, and actually had a day off from touristing. Mostly.

The next day we spent the majority of at the two main art galleries. It reminds me that there have been men and women of genius all through the ages.

This self portrait was done in the year 1500.

Representing yourself in this "Christ-like" manner may show either extreme arrogance or an acknowledgement that his talent comes from God.  
I don't know. Do you?

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